Section: New Results

Structuring multimedia content and summarization

Stream labeling for TV Structuring

Participants : Vincent Claveau, Guillaume Gravier, Patrick Gros, Emmanuelle Martienne, Abir Ncibi.

In this application, we focus on the problem of labeling the segments of TV streams according to their types (eg. programs, commercial breaks, sponsoring...). During this year, following the work initiated in 2012, we have proposed an in-depth analysis of the use of conditional random fields (CRF) for our task [50] . Through several experiments conducted on real TV streams, we have shown that the CRF yields high results compared with state-of-the-art approaches. In particular, CRF offers several ways to efficiently take the sequenciality of our stream labeling problem into account. We also showed that it is robust when dealing with few training data or few features.

Statistical tests for repetition detection in TV streams

Participant : Patrick Gros.

Detecting all repeated sequences in a TV stream is the first step of all techniques of TV stream structuring. We have improved our technique in several ways. First, a statistical hypothesis test with a corrected risk of Bonferroni was used to clean the repetitions of small sequences. Second, a content-based test is used to clean the remaining sequences, but also to complete the repeated sequences to their maximal length. One of our objective is to reduce the number of descriptor needed to achieve this task, given that this computation is the most expensive of the method. As a matter of fact, the method required computing the descriptors of 15.4 % of the images only.

Video summarization with constraint programming

Participants : Mohamed-Haykel Boukadida, Patrick Gros.

Joint work with Sid-Ahmed Berrani, Orange labs.

Up to now, most video summarization methods are based on concepts like saliency and often use a single modality. In order to develop a more general framework, we propose to use a constraint programming approach, where summarizing a video is seen as a constraint resolution problem, which consists in choosing certain excerpts with respect to various criteria. This year we studied several ways to model the problem in order to gain a maximum flexibility in the summary. A first model was based on the selection of shots, the second one on the selection of parts of shots; The third one does not relies on shots and select image sequences directly. The challenge is to express the useful constraints with these models and the limited possibilities of the solver.

Transcript-free spoken content summarization using motif discovery

Participants : Sébastien Campion, Guillaume Gravier.

Joint work with Frédéric Bimbot and Nathan Souviráa-Labastié, Inria/PANAMA, France.

Exploiting previous results on the unsupervised discovery of repeating words in speech signals, we proposed a method dedicated to transcript-free spoken content summarization. Extractive summarization is performed by selecting a small number of segments, typically one or two, which contains most of the repeated fragments [77] . Audio summaries were included in the Texmix demonstration and are currently being evaluated.

TV program structure discovery using grammatical inference

Participants : Guillaume Gravier, Bingqing Qu.

Joint work with Félicien Vallet and Jean Carrive, Institut National de l'Audiovisuel.

Video structuring, in particular applied to TV programs which have strong editing structures, mostly relies on supervised approaches either to retrieve a known structure for which a model has been obtained or to detect key elements from which a known structure is inferred. We investigated an unsupervised approach to recurrent TV program structuring, exploiting the repetitiveness of key structural elements across episodes of the same show. We cast the problem of structure discovery as a grammatical inference problem and show that a suited symbolic representation can be obtained by filtering generic events based on their reoccurring property  [92] . The method follows three steps: i) generic event detection, ii) selection of events relevant to the structure and iii) grammatical inference from a symbolic representation. Experimental evaluation is performed on three types of shows, viz., game shows, news and magazines, demonstrating that grammatical inference can be used to discover the structure of recurrent programs with very limited supervision.

Discovering and linking related images in large collections

Participants : Guillaume Gravier, Hervé Jégou, Wanlei Zhao.

We have tackled the problem of image linking. One of the most successful method to link all similar images within a large collection is min-Hash, which is a way to significantly speed-up the comparison of images when the underlying image representation is bag-of-words. However, the quantization step of min-Hash introduces important information loss. In [66] , we proposed a generalization of min-Hash, called Sim-min-Hash, to compare sets of real-valued vectors. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach when combined with the Hamming embedding similarity. Experiments on large-scale popular benchmarks demonstrated that Sim-min-Hash is more accurate and faster than min-Hash for similar image search. Linking a collection of one million images described by 2 billion local descriptors is done in 7 minutes on a single core machine.